Employee Social Security 6.2% Tax Deferral 9/1/20 to 12/31/20 UPDATE by Sandra O’Connor

The Treasury and the IRS have finally released guidance today on the deferral of the employee’s share of Social Security taxes pursuant to President Trump’s August 8, 2020, Presidential Memorandum. As you know from our last post, the…

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COVID-19 Recovery Rebate Checks, by Mike Noon

Who is eligible for a recovery rebate? All U.S. residents or citizens with adjusted gross income under $75,000 ($112,500 for head of household and $150,000 married), who are not the dependent of another taxpayer and have a work-eligible Social…

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S-Corporation Owner Eligible for Unemployment Benefits, by Mike Noon

If you are an S-Corporation owner that is on payroll and you have taken a significant hit regarding COVID-19, fire yourself and file a claim for unemployment. Here’s the rules from CA EDD: Thus, whenever an individual who…

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